Sunday, 24 July 2011

Norway’s Mass Killer Copied the Unabomber Word for Word - Ted Kaczynski Known Victim of CIA Mind Control Experiments


Anders Behring Breivik was thought to have worked nine years of his so-called manifesto. Now it turns out that large parts of the script is plagiarism - copied verbatim from a known American terrorist.The site as Sunday reveals that some of Anders Behring Breivik’s book, called "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence," is straight out of the so-called Unabomber manifesto.

While Breivik several places in the text is careful to cite external sources, Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - is not mentioned once.

Kaczynski is an American terrorist who was sentenced to life in prison for a series of letter bombs he sent to universities and airlines from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s.
Previous Stories:

* Anders Behring Breivik’s "Manifesto Video": Knights Templar 2083

* A 32 Year Old Freemason, Christian, Conservative and Nationalist Arrested for Oslo Bombing and Shootings

Exchanged a few words

Some online newspapers have already compared Kaczynskis manifest with the 1,511-page document Breivik posted on the Internet shortly before the terrorist attack.

Now it turns out that the Northern man simply copied large parts of the text.

But where Kaczynski reviews the enemy as "leftism" and "leftist," Breivik use the words "Multiculturalism" and "Cultural Communism."

- This must be a way of version 2.0 of the Unabomber Manifesto, says Aage Borchgrevink, advisor to the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, to

Kaczynski writes:

"When we speak of leftist in this article we garden in mind Mainly Socialists, Collectivist, ’politically correct’ types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists and the like."

With a few changes in wording, type Breivik the same:

"When we speak of cultural Marxists in this article we garden in mind Mainly Individuals WHO support Multiculturalism; Socialists, Collectivist, ’politically correct’ types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists, Environmentalist, etc."

Breivik has especially been inspired by the Kaczynskis theory that the left is suffering from a crippling inferiority complex.

"The two psychological Tendencies That underlie modern leftism we call" feelings of inferiority ’and’ oversocialization, ’"writes Kaczynski.

"The two psychological Tendencies That underlie cultural Marxists we call ’feelings of inferiority’ and ’over-socialisation," repeats Breivik - without quoting.

Again, he has replaced "leftism" with "cultural Marxists". Apart from paraphrasing from American to British English is the wording is identical.

Cultural chauvinism

According to a source talked with Breivik has in several places replaced Kaczynskis use of "black" with the word "Muslim".

In a explanation about affirmative action, for example, Kaczynski writes:

"Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. More over, much leftist behavior is not Rationally Calculated to Be of benefit to the people WHOM the leftist claim to Be Trying to help. For example, if one believe That Affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense two demand Affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms?"

Here Breivik not only replace "leftist" with "cultural Marxist", but also "black people" with "Muslim":

"Hostility is too prominent a component of cultural Marxist Behaviour, so is the drive for power. More over, much cultural Marxist Behaviour is not Rationally Calculated to Be of benefit to the people WHOM They claim to Be Trying to help. For example, if one believe That Affirmative action is good for Muslims, does it make sense two demand Affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? "

Aage Borchgrevink is not surprised that Breivik wrote Muslim rather than black or dark-skinned.

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