Saturday, 4 April 2009

G20 Agreement must be rejected

(LPAC)—In response to the release of the official communiqué today at the conclusion of the G20 summit in London, Lyndon LaRouche stated that "what they are proposing is the equivalent of recommending the use of cyanide for the cure of a headache. It is a permanent cure."

LaRouche was immediately referring to the assumption underlying the entire statement: "We believe that the only sure foundation for sustainable globalization and rising prosperity for all is an open world economy based on market principles, effective regulation, and strong global institutions." The statement further states: We are undertaking an unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion ... that will, by the end of next year amount to $5 trillion, raise output by 4 percent, and accelerate the transition to a green economy."

LaRouche characterized the above statements as "tantamount to the confessions of an assembly of lunatics."

"This is fascism in its British form of Oswald Mosley. Mosley would be ecstatic, he and H.G. Wells who was backing Mosley back in 1933. At that time the City of London's allies on Wall Street supported Mussolini, as did the great American pragmatist, John Dewey. They also supported Hitler as the German Mussolini.

"This is fascism combined with insanity. It is a case of the criminal mind going insane."

LaRouche stated that he hoped "there will be enough patriotic men and women in the U.S. Congress to prevent the adoption of this agreement. It would be the death of the U.S. and much more besides. It has to be stopped. It must be stamped out now."

Today's Financial Times publishes a column by Andrew Ward entitled "Can Obama make the difference?" In it he makes the point that in his account of the London economic conference in 1933, a conference which FDR boycotted in his opposition to British imperialism, HG Wells wrote that Roosevelt was the "last hope for mankind. There was no other personality visible who even promised to exorcise the spell that lay upon the economic life of the race. It was Roosevelt's conference or nothing."

Unfortunately, contrary to Roosevelt's rejection of HG Wells' fascist Open Conspiracy for world government at that time, President Obama has done just the opposite.

In a press conference after the conclusion of the G20 summit Obama endorsed the entire agenda of Gordon Brown, personally expressing his appreciation for the work of Brown and his entire staff. Moreover, he claimed to have himself played a decisive role in "forging a consensus."

LaRouche pointed out that the British suckered him based precisely on this profile he has of himself as the forger of consensus. As a consequence, LaRouche said, Obama is "on the edge of going down. They didn't have to control him, because he could control himself. This is tragic."

"This agreement cannot be accepted," LaRouche said. "If it were, it could very well lead to riots in the United States, the the breakup of the nation and to terrorism. Therefore, this must be rejected. The U.S. must not sign any treaty agreement with these elements. No patriot will allow this to be confirmed, no matter which side of the aisle he or she is on. To sign this would be to betray the United States.

"This is one ego trip from which the President may return, but the nation may not come back. The price of his ego trip is too high a price to pay. No man has a right to have his ego used in this way. Our country can't be put into jeopardy, humanity can't be put into jeopardy, because he wants to win a popularity contest."

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